高原(Gloria Gao)

Gao Yuan, currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Foreign Languages in Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, has a a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree both in English language and literature from Shanxi University.
She started to work at Faculty of Foreign Languages, BNUZ in August 2004. Since then, she has been teaching English majors and non-English majors a variety of courses including College English, Listening and C-E translation. She was appionted Director of Administration Office of the faculty in charge of administration affairs in September 2006.
Her research interests cover translation theory and practice, lexicology. A few theses and translation works have been published. With special interests in neologism,she always pays close attention to the emergence and development and translation of neologism.
She has a passion for teaching. She believes in the concept of Holistic education,which aims to call forth from people an intrinsic reverence for life and a passionate love of learning.
519087 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院
电话:++86-756-6126560 (办公室)
Contact Details:
Yuan Gao (Gloria Gao)
Director of Administration Office
School of Foreign Languages
Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai
Zhuhai, Guangdong Province 519087
P.R. China
Email: gaoyuan@bnuz.edu.cn
Tel: ++86-756-6126560 (office)
Fax: ++86-756-6126861