王燕(Wendy Wang)

硕士,讲师。现任外语学院英语系常务副主任。2004年7月毕业于上海海事大学,获文学硕士学位。研究方向:翻译理论与实践, 讲授翻译、英语阅读、综合英语、大学英语等课程。教学及翻译经验丰富,翻译题材涉及多种领域,口笔译经验丰富,读研期间多次担任国际会议、学术交流活动的口译人员,发表论文若干篇。在校工作期间担任2005级5、6班的班主任。2011年在北京师范大学珠海分校获得青年教师基本功大赛三等奖, 外语学院第四届青年基本功二等奖,2011年校级优秀共产党员。教学理念:教学相长。
Wangyan, lecturer of English, is vice director of English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, BNUZ. From the year 2002 to 2004, she studied in Shanghai Maritime University and got her master degree, majoring in translation theory and practice. Till today, the courses she has been teaching include: Translation, English Reading, Comprehensive English, and College English etc. She is an experienced teacher in giving interesting, instructive and informative courses and enjoyed the popularity among her students. She won the Third Prize in the Sixth Teaching Competition of Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai in 2011, won the Second Prize in the Fourth Teaching Competition of the Faculty of Foreign Languages in 2011 and was awarded Excellent Member of the Chinese Communist Party in the Year 2011. She believes "Teaching benefits teacher and student alike".