葡语角之了解世界 Portuguese Corner:Understanding the World
6月2日,两周一次的葡语角如期在图书馆一楼进行,这样炎热的日子里,同学们的热情丝毫不减。参与本次葡语角的老师是Ms. Alba Irene García Troya.
端午节即将到来, Alba和大家讨论了端午节假期的安排。同学们的回答大多是多休息,多睡觉,陪陪家人,还有的同学说希望出去旅游。说起旅游,大家都有着各种各样的体会及心得,也有着自己心中所向往的地方。有的同学表达了自己想去环游世界的梦想,特别是想去日本、韩国和瑞士。Alba也和大家分享了很多自己对于中国旅游地区的见解,诸如甘肃的沙漠以及内蒙古的草原等等。她还打开世界地图,为我们介绍了她的家乡以及欧洲的地区分布。
Portuguese Corner:Understanding the World
By Huang Minting
On June 2nd , Portuguese Corner was held in the library again. Surprisingly, though the day was burning hot, students were still active to attend it. Ms. Alba Irene.García Troya was present.
As the Dragon Boat Festival was coming, many students said that they wanted to have a good rest or do some shopping. On the other hand, some of them said they wanted to go traveling. When the topic came to traveling, everyone had their own thought and dream place. A student said she wanted to travel around the world especially Japan, Korea and Switzerland. A sophomore said that she wanted to go to Greece and Turkey, because the view must be completely different from what she saw here. Alba also talked about some provinces in China and shared her opinions on touring with the students.
Everyone in Portuguese Corner was willing to communicate with others, and they knew more about the world.