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葡语角之放眼中西 Portuguese Corner: Looking Around The World

葡语角之放眼中西 Portuguese Corner: Looking Around The World


四月伊始,我们迎来了本学期第四次葡语角。图书馆的沙发上,坐满了来自不同年级的学生,大家都抱着同样的目的——更好地提高自己的葡语口语水平。今晚出席葡语角的外教是Ms. Alba Irene.García Troya。

Alba喜欢用不同的方式来考察学生的词汇量,葡语角开始时,她和学生们玩起了猜词游戏。猜词游戏规则简单又富有趣味性。第一个单词大家都没有猜出来,随着游戏的进行,同学们更快更准确地猜出了答案。大家通过这项活动学到了新的单词、新的词汇记忆方法,更重要的是体会到了学习的乐趣。游戏快结束时, Alba又出了几个跟单词有关的题目:在剧院使用的乐器、欧洲的特色产物、耳鼻咽喉科。这些略带专业性的词汇大大提高了同学们的见识。


最后,大家又聊起了略微轻松的话题。同学们跟 Alba介绍了中国功夫的几个流派,比如武当、少林、峨眉之流。 Alba还介绍了斗牛和番茄大战等西班牙葡萄牙的特色活动。


Portuguese Corner: Looking Around The World

By Chen Baohua and Huang Yuqi

The fourth Portuguese corner was held at the beginning of April. Students who were from different grades sat together in the sofa with Ms. Alba Irene.García Troya, hoping to improve their Portuguese.

Alba was fond of checking students’ vocabulary in different ways. Alba played the Definition Game with students, the rules being simple yet interesting. Students’ performance gradually improved as the game went on. Through this activity, new vocabulary and new ways of memorizing words were acquired. And more importantly, students experienced fun in the process of study. Toward the end of the game, Alba put forward some professional vocabulary related to instruments in theater, characteristic products of Europe, as well as otorhinolaryngology, which greatly broadened students’ horizon.

Later, one of the students raised a topic about the refugees in Europe. Since Alba was from Spain, she was more familiar with this issue. She explained the dilemma refugees suffered. Those refugees ran out of their countries to avoid wars, but they were trapped near the border and led a very miserable life . Some of the refugees could neither go back to their country nor enter Europe. Thus, she felt sorry for them.

After finishing the serious topic, students started to share different genres of Chinese Kung Fu. Alba also introduced some special festivals in Spain and Portugal to students.

Tonight’s Portuguese corner ended with lots of joy.


访问数: 版权所有:北京师范大学珠海分校 外国语学院 粤ICP备05026012号
地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路18号 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院 联系电话:0756-6126560 传真:0756-6126861