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英语角之畅谈生活 English Corner: Share Your life

英语角之畅谈生活 English Corner: Share Your life

记者:牛蒙 孙恺悦

4月13日, 虽然又是一个下雨天,但大家仍旧如期而至。同学们聚集在图书馆一楼参加今晚的英语角。 今天到场的两位外教是Mr.Robert K Mateja和Ms.Rebecca Reel。

来自美国费城的Robert首先向同学们说起了他之前在韩国的生活, 介绍了很多韩国的美食。 提起美食, 大家都很感兴趣, 纷纷向Robert介绍了自己回忆中的美味。 Robert还分享了他最近参加的一个比赛,他说要用比赛获得的奖金去澳门旅行。此外同学们还向Robert介绍了自己曾经在澳门的所见所闻。 谈起那些经历时大家的脸上都充满了喜悦。当被Robert问到周末都做什么时, 同学们畅所欲言。 其中一名女生说她会去义教教英语, 并表示自己将来想要当一名英语教师。 随后Robert又谈到他在美国有自己的枪, 很多美国人都有枪来保护自己。


转眼间英语角结束了。 同学们满怀收获离开,期待着下周的再会。

English Corner: Share Your life

By Niu Meng and Sun Kaiyue

On the evening of April 13th, although it was raining, many students came to the library to attend the English corner, chatting with Mr. Robert K Mateja and Ms. Rebecca Reel.

At first, Robert, who came from Philadelphia in the USA , told the students that before he came to China, he had lived in Korea for a period of time. Then he introduced some tasty food to the students. All the students seemed to be very interested in that topic, and they actively introduced delicious food they had tasted. After that, Robert said he had taken part in a competition, and if he fortunately gained a bonus, he would be willing to use it as the expense to travel to Macao. When asked about what they usually did on weekends, one of the students said she usually taught children English because she wanted to be an English teacher in the future. Then, Robert said he had his own gun in America, and many Americans had their own guns to protect themselves.

Rebecca also shared her life in America with us. She said that during her college life , she always did a part-time job to support herself. And she said what made her delighted was the price here being lower than that in America.

All the students learned a lot in the English corner and looked forward to the next meeting.


访问数: 版权所有:北京师范大学珠海分校 外国语学院 粤ICP备05026012号
地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路18号 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院 联系电话:0756-6126560 传真:0756-6126861