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Workshop Assignment 1 for 2018

Translation Brief: Five companies will launch the English versions of their official websites. They ask you to translate their slogans/ads into English. Note: Your translation versions will be evaluated by the teacher and some English native speakers.

1. 原来生活可以更美的。(美的)
2. 默默无的奉献。(华力牌蚊香)
3. 牙膏有营养,牙齿好喜欢。(纳爱斯牙膏)
4. 世上仅此一件,今生与你结缘。(石头记)
5. 人类失去联想,世界将会怎样?(联想)

Answer the questions after you complete the translation:

1. What problems or difficulties did you run into when translating the Chinese slogans into English? How did you tackle them?
2. What resources or tools did you use in translating the slogans?


1. Each student is to translate the slogans and answer the 2 questions. The translations and answers should be uploaded here and onto the space of "课程作业” (Deadline: Tuesday, May 29th, 2018). The team members can make comments on any of the translations here.

2. All the team members discuss via WeChat and come up with the final version for each of the slogans. Discussion records should be sent to WeChat account: alexbnuz (Deadline: Tuesday, June 5th, 2018). The final translation versions of the team should be uploaded here. Please use FINAL VERSIONS to highlight it. (Deadline: Tuesday, June 5th, 2018)

3. Turn in the paper copy of the final versions of your team: Thursday, June 7th, 2018.

4. All students are welcome to make comments on other teams’ FINAL VERSIONS here on the forumbefore Friday, June 8th, 2018.


Note: during the whole process, you could make comments anytime on the spaces of other teams, but please write "[Comments from Team X].


访问数: 版权所有:北京师范大学珠海分校 外国语学院 粤ICP备05026012号
地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路18号 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院 联系电话:0756-6126560 传真:0756-6126861