1.跨域时空地域,携手共创价值。 我的翻译为:let us across space and time, create brilliancy with you!
2.“优质高效地提供令客户放心有称心的产品”是每个中商安全人对客户的承诺。 我的翻译为:
“To provide reliable and satisfactory products to customers effectively and high quality” is the promise of C&C.
Dear Wilson:
1、let us across space and time, create brilliancy with you!
Let sb 后面通常跟动词,across 是介词,另外 us和you混用,会造成人称指代混乱,brilliancy 属于抽象名词,英语中可以接受,不过brilliance的范围更广,更常用,建议可以改为:
Let us join hands to create brilliance and to transcend the time and space!
2、“To provide reliable and satisfactory products to customers effectively and high quality” is the promise of C&C.
The commitment of C & C is to provide reliable and satisfactory products for our customers in a highly efficent manner.
“优质”一次如果硬译涉及词性不好协调的问题,考虑到reliable 和satisfactory多少包含有这层含义,所以可以省略不译。
Dear Mr.Xie,
For the first sentence, I would like to mention that I would have translated like this: let us cross space and time, create brilliancy together! If this one will be better?
Besides,thank you very much for your advises and I''m very appreciated for your kindness help! I will consider your advises carefully~! It would helps me a lot. May you enjoy your summer holiday and have a good time with your famlily~!
Hi Wilson,
The translation "Let us cross space and time, create brilliancy together" is certainly better, except that you need to add an "and". Still, I don''t think "brilliancy" is frequently used. Another thing is "let us" doesn''t involve all the listeners while "let''s" does. So a possible version is "Let''s cross space and time and create brilliance together."
Best wishes,