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CATTI 笔译实务八

CATTI 笔译实务八


Plans are well underway for a year of celebrations to mark the upcoming bicentennial of one ofPoland''s favorite native sons-Frédéric, Chopin.

The prestigiousInternational Chopin Competition for pianists will mark its 16th edition inOctober 2010. Held every five years, the competition draws scores of youngmusicians from all over the world. In addition, Warsaw''s Chopin Museum, withthe world''s largest collection of Chopin documents and other artifacts, willundergo a total redesign, modernization and expansion.

A lavishly illustratednew guidebook called "Chopin''s Poland" was already published thisyear. It leads visitors to dozens of sites in Warsaw and elsewhere around thecountry where the composer lived, ate, studied, performed, visited or evenpartied.

"Actually, Chopindoesn''t need to be promoted, but we hope that Poland and Polish culture can bepromoted through Chopin," said Monika Strugala, who is coordinating theChopin 2010 program under the aegis of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute, a bodyset up by the Sejm in 2001 to promote and protect Chopin''s work and image.

"We want toconfirm to all that he is a very, very important Polish symbol," she said.Indeed, it''s not much of an exaggeration to say that Chopin''s music flowsthrough the Polish national consciousness like some sort of cultural lifeblood.

The son of a Polishmother and a French émigré father, Chopin was born in a manor house at ZelazowaWola, about 50 kilometers, or 30 miles, west of Warsaw, and moved to Warsaw asan infant.

The manor is somethingof a Chopin shrine-since the 1930 s it has been a museum and center forconcerts. Like the Chopin Museum in Warsaw, it, too, is undergoing extensiverenovation as part of bicentennial preparations.

Chopin spent his first20 years in and around Warsaw. He was already a noted pianist as a boy andcomposed concertos and other important works as a teenager. He carried Polishsoil with him when he left Warsaw on a concert tour in 1830, just a few weeksbefore the outbreak of the November Uprising, an abortive Polish revolt againstCzarist Russia, which then ruled Warsaw and a broad swath of Polish territory.

Chopin remained inexile in France after the uprising was crushed. But so attached was he to hisnative land that after his death in Paris in 1849 his heart-on his owninstructions-was brought back to Warsaw for interment. The rest of his body isburied in the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

"For where yourtreasure is, there your heart will be also,"reads the Biblical inscriptionon a plaque where his heart is kept today, preserved in an urn and concealed ina pillar of the Holy Cross Church in central Warsaw.Mozart''s"Requiem" will be performed here as part of Bicentennialevents.

Exile and patriotism,as well as extraordinary genius, have long made Chopin''s appeal transcend allmanner of social and political divides.

Polish folk motifsthread through some of his finest pieces, and patriotic fervor, as well ashomesick longing, infuse some of his best-known works.








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