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Workshop Assignment 1: TT4

1.How cool the life can be! (Midea)
2.Do away with mosquitoes silently.(Huali mosquito-repellent incense)
3.Strong tooth rely on nice toothpaste. (Nice)
4.The one and the only stone earns an eternal and lifelong marriage. (iSTONE)
5.Without thinking, how is the world going to be? (Lenovo)


访问数: 版权所有:北京师范大学珠海分校 外国语学院 粤ICP备05026012号
地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路18号 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院 联系电话:0756-6126560 传真:0756-6126861